Moving to a new blog that is! Hehe! I'm rebuilding my new blog and thinking of leaving this one? Or is it a good idea to maintain this for my scraps, and the other one for .. err, everything? Haha. I'm so loka-loka. I was thinking of putting everything in one blog, but is that a good idea? Sorry so fickle!! Maybe it's that time of the month. Hahaha.
Click here and bookmark this new one na lang ha! :-D
Sunday, December 2, 2007
I'm Moving!
Posted by Rache 0 comments
Monday, November 19, 2007
Loving Sydney

I've uploaded more photos here if you'd like to see more.
Posted by Rache 4 comments
Friday, November 16, 2007
Cherishing Every Moment
Grungy!!! I'm so excited to buy this kit. Gina Marie Huff does it again with such a fun kit filled with grunge goodies. You can check out the details here. You should try checking out her store as well (clicky on her namey) to see those nicey cutey kits and elements.
One thing I love about Gina and the stuff that she creates is that she has a knack of making coordinated kits such a wonder to work with. Her elements and papers work well together and they're so pleasant on the eyes.
Posted by Rache 0 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Back from Sydney
Hey! Our team got home last night from a gruelling 8-hr plane ride from Sydney, Australia. I really hate long flights! Oh but put me in business class and I think I'll get by just fine. Haha. So anyways, we had real fun being sort of Aussie's for a couple of days. The weather was so pleasant, bright & shiny, cool & windy! I have yet to post photos worth 3GB and process the ones I really likey like. I'll post some maybe tonight - if I don't fall asleep. Lol. Check back later.
Oh if I may digress. Please check out our metrophoto blog right here. You'll get a sneak peek of my bride-for-a-day shots.. I wasn't the one shooting though, I was the model. Lol! You'll need to figure that one out. Haha! Photos aren't even showing my face. Haha!
Posted by Rache 0 comments
Monday, November 5, 2007
So much going on!
Voila! I am back. Diligently posting on this blog has become one big struggle these past weeks. My multiply gets more updated I guess. Although not as often as I'd like either.
So many things have gone by and in a couple of days, I'd be posting bit by bit on what's been happening with me and the stuff I've been in to :)
Meanwhile, let me just share with you three fave photos from our Contemporary Weddings by Metrophotography. This will be a regular series, so do watch out. If you'd like to book us, please do! Lol. No holding back. It will be a thrill to hear from you!
Hmmm.. is it just me or are the images pixelized? Oh no. Do check out more of these photos in our gallery at :-)
Thanks for dropping by!
Posted by Rache 2 comments
Friday, October 5, 2007
Group Hug!
I'm admittedly a photo addict. Although, I mostly love taking photos of other people except myself. Self-portrait isn't much of my thing hehe. But I sure would love to learn that. Another thing I'm quite fond of these days are group hugs. It's a term for a group photo I guess :) If I'm not mistaken, that started with PiPho, an online community for local photographers.
Ok, so group hug it is! I love my metro team to bits! So let me just share with you three group hugs we had from a coverage we did last September :-)

Posted by Rache 0 comments
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
B&W Frenzy
I love how a photo becomes an instant, timeless-looking memory clip just by converting it to black and white. As an offshoot of our photo session with Peej's kids, here are some BW versions from our Metrophoto gallery. :) Thanks for looking :)
Posted by Rache 0 comments
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Lana Oasis Ruiz
Nice fancy name, don't you think? Meet the newest baby in the family, extended family that is! Here's my one-month old niece, Lana.
Isn't she just so adorable?! More of her photos in my gallery. :-)
Posted by Rache 0 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Little Portraits from Heaven by Metrophoto
Shooting away last weekend for Little Portraits from Heaven, a division of Metrophotography. Sharing a sneak preview of some photos that I took. Do check out in a few days to see the official snaps :)

Posted by Rache 0 comments
Friday, September 21, 2007
Loving Penang
Got back from a turbulent flight from Singapore to Manila last Wednesday afternoon. Heck, I feel like I'm still in the airplane up until now. We actually went to Penang for the DELLocity Awards Plus and I was mommy to nine of our top guns in the sales force. DELL was quite luxurious to a certain extent last Q and our sales people got awards like iPod Videos, Nokia cellphones, Canon Ixus Cameras and watches from Tag Heuer, Omega and Rolex! That's a great pat on the back for making your number! (Ehem, what about me? lol).

I love Penang. I don't exactly know why but it's actually a nice place to stay in. The weather's very similar to Manila and lifestyle is pretty laid back. The only part that I don't like that much is probably the food; most are REALLY spicy :-) I sure hope to come by and visit again in a couple of years.
Posted by Rache 3 comments
Blogging to keep myself AWAKE
I'm so sleepy right now my eyes are literally half open as I type. These past few weeks have been quite a race. Busy with work, arrr! Shiver me timbers. Even my love Will Turner would give up on my schedule. Duh, connection? Sorry, in-flight movie hang-over.. Haha.

Posted by Rache 3 comments
Friday, September 7, 2007
The Wonders of Alaxan
The week's almost over and so is my beaten up palm. The lower part of my palm was stressed out and felt real uncomfy early this week. I figured, maybe it was too much photography for the past weeks, that my right hand became stressed out. Wow to think that I'm just fairly a newbie and working part time at this flick thing, I didn't actually expect that I'd wear out my hand by taking pictures! So as the title of this post says, Alaxan gel did wonders for me. I applied it every night before going to bed and voila, after about three days, it was back to normal :-).

Posted by Rache 0 comments
Monday, August 27, 2007
Updates updates!
Haven't been scrapping for the past few weeks and I totally have lost time to do put my LOs to life. Hmm! This blog is turning out to be a photography blog!
I joined Metrophoto's shoot for BE (Greenhills, Glorietta, and another branch.. oops, sorry slipped me) last Saturday. You can see some of my newbie shots here. Fast forward - after our shoot for some college students earlier today, we (Tania, Irma & myself) did some posing to complete a few studio layouts for BE. We're no models so pardon the poses. I have YET to post our personal BE shots but anyways, here's one that I like (and probly the only one at that hahaha). One thing I can say though is that, I need to lose weight!!! Seriously and fast. Lol!I sorta subdued the colors in photoshop, thus making it look circa-like (or something hehe). Love the cheeky shades in this photo (thanks, Tania!). What do you think?
Posted by Rache 0 comments
Monday, August 20, 2007
Nicholas & Zsarina
Birth pains. Learning curve. All brand new. I had my first prenup shoot last Saturday at the Manila Hotel with Metrophoto. Our beautiful clients, Nick & Zsai posed shyly as we took their pre-wedding photos. Here are unofficial cuts from my side of the viewfinder. Do watch out for the final shots from our company's website or you may check out our blog too.
Posted by Rache 3 comments
Sunday, August 19, 2007
10th Wedding Anniversary
Cutting it short, we had to cancel our Boracay getaway because of the typhoon. Hey, things actually turned out fine even if we had to resort to Tagaytay. We were walk-in guests at the Discovery Country Suites Tagaytay. We were fortunate enough to get a room and even more favored after finding out that the rates were off-peak. After viewing some of the hotel's beautiful suites, we decided to get the master suite of the house, the Oxford Suite. The rest is history. Hehe.

Posted by Rache 0 comments
Thursday, August 16, 2007
One Vain Oscar
My hubby has had this oscar since last year and I've only come to appreciate it last week after taking its photos one lazy weekend morning. What can I say. This oscar is so vain that once it sees my camera, the thing just swirls, turns and even looks straight onto the lens then strikes a pose. Lol! Here are two of his best shots.. haha. You can check out more fishy photos here.

Posted by Rache 2 comments
Monday, August 6, 2007
Metrophoto - Saturday Shoot
We had the opportunity to do a photoshoot for Ms. Faith Cuneta and a new teen model, Patty (sorry forgot her last name) last Saturday. We had it in our newly built studio :) Hey, hey, hey, Metrophoto is totally up and running! Oly, you're one great photographer! Idol! Lol :)
Posted by Rache 2 comments
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Alley Bar & Grille
Who would have thought that AF points need to be defined and set correctly for the camera to focus where you want it to.. Hihihi. I had my first official food photoshoot this evening and I really don't know if I should be happy or what. Haha. Tawa na nga lang.
Here are some photos taken earlier at Alley Bar and Grille. Oh thank God Oly came (kahit late!!! hehe) and did the more important shots. Haayy, nite-nite!

Posted by Rache 1 comments
Friday, August 3, 2007
Still Here!
Almost lost touch this week (my last post was last Friday!) woah. Not that it's a big deal lol. Anyways, I've been up and about this week, wondering why my schedule is full. Thank God there's still time to fit everything in.... (wife, mom, work, artist, ministry.. wow)
What kept me up in the wee hours of the morning: layout, layout, layout. Argh. I sometimes feel like I've gone to an obnoxious rust when it comes to layouts, spreads and all that. Did (rather finished) a 40-page album for Chax and also finalized everything for my friend Lala's wedding guestbook. I used to do a lot of these 5-6 years ago when we had our computer shop. But it came to a halt when I started working in the company I'm in now. So anyways, I sure sure sure hope the two projects I did turned out fine. Chax's album alone went to the mill four times for me to come up with the final one... and Lala's guestbook, I revised twice. What is up with me?! I'm off to the printer this weekend to have Lala's printed. Will post photos on that :)
Sched tonight: photoshoot at Alley Bar & Grille w/ guru Oly Ruiz
Saturday AM: photoshoot for my friend's property in Alabang (oh personal favor hehe not official)
Saturday PM: photoshoot for Faith Cuneta at our Metrophoto studio
Giving you love, guys! Have a great Friday and enjoy the weekend with your family. God bless!
Posted by Rache 0 comments
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Rache's Revelations
I've been tagged! Haha twas so funny I had to figure out what it meant. Where have I been? Lol. I've been tagged by Agring to create a short blog article and show a photo that isn't online yet. Agring, I followed you and just made a magazine cover hihihi. Sorry, birth pains. Lol.
And here’s the instruction to this tag/meme:
1st step - Post a short blog article that includes a photograph (or a series of photos) showing the face behind your blog. If you already showed a photo somewhere on your site (such as in your about page), then make your post more interesting and choose a photo that’s not currently online.
2nd step - Include links to other people that have displayed a photo, or include their photos in your post, adding a reference.
3rd step - Tag as many others as you like in your post to spread the meme.
4th step - If you link back to me here and send an email I’ll be sure to include links back to you. Each person tagged should create their own post and repeat the process.
I'm tagging Nyree, Lorelei, Sassy , Tabs and Fran!
Posted by Rache 5 comments
Friday, July 27, 2007
I'd like to cap the work-day with a smile on my face, despite of going through such rattling activities at work (it being end of 2nd quarter for this brand that I am assigned with). It was a pretty tough week but grace was just fabulous, that I got by! :)

Have a blessed weekend everyone!
Posted by Rache 2 comments
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Little Rachey
scrapping early this morning after feeding my little girl tiffany who's currently sick with an inflammed throat and her asthma acting up last night. poor honey kept on coughing and was in tears as she reached out for me and asked me to pray. i wasn't able to get enough sleep as she would cough every so often and hubby and i watched out if we had to nebulize her. i am staying at home today to care for my girl and we will take her to the doctor in a while after she wakes up this morning. good thing that series of coughing died a bit and now she can catch up on sleep. i couldn't seem to get some zzz's myself, maybe because my body's telling me i should be awake during the day. i'll probably try to sleep after we pay a visit to the doctor. anways, sharing with you this new lo of me in my tiny years. :) credits here.
Posted by Rache 1 comments
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Boyish Layout
Did this LO last night before going to bed. I haven't actually done a LO for my little big boy, so, I took on the challenge and I'm happy at how it came out :)
Posted by Rache 0 comments
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Cubeville Makeover (Inspired by MrsB)

Lemme know what you think!
Posted by Rache 6 comments
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Beauties :-)
I got into such a mind buzz last night that I couldn't seem to catch some zzz's! I was thinking about this LO project that I've countlessly redone over the past four weeks.. I can't really understand why the creative side of my brain would have to be switched on from 11pm onwards. Ang laki na ng eyebags ko! Lol. So after doing five spreads for that project, I decided to scrap on this sweet-looking photo of me and my little girl, Tiffany. I'm kind of high on pink lately, so this will have a similar feel to my two previews LO's. :-) Have a great week everyone!
Credits - Paper from Paisely & Ivy Paper Pack, Weeds & Wildflowers Design; Flowers from Being Me, Weeds & Wildflowers Design; Ribbon Bookplate by Shabby Princess; Pearls by Melany Violette; Stalk Brushes from; Scalloped Frame by RL; Photo by Oly Ruiz
Posted by Rache 0 comments
Monday, July 16, 2007
Wedding at the Grand Terrace
Spent our Saturday afternoon at the wedding of my hubby's cousin where our boy Tristan participated in the entourage as ring bearer. I think the Grand Terrace is fairly new, with almost the same concept as that of Plaza Ibarra, Fernwood Gardens and Gazebo Royale. Anyways, it was a flicking photo spree for the family, us being such camwhores from the youngest to the oldest! My brother-in-law, Oly brought his two DSLR's for us to toy with, so, I sort of got to practice again before I lay my hands on my own DSLR. Just a thought - no wonder most photographers are men. These equipments, together with the lens and other accessories are darn heavy. And I mean heavy to the point that the muscles in my right arm would feel real strained right after a night's shoot. But it's a good kind of pain I tell ya. Especially if you want to pounce a chance to get awesome looking photos.
Posted by Rache 2 comments