I've been tagged! Haha twas so funny I had to figure out what it meant. Where have I been? Lol. I've been tagged by Agring to create a short blog article and show a photo that isn't online yet. Agring, I followed you and just made a magazine cover hihihi. Sorry, birth pains. Lol.
And here’s the instruction to this tag/meme:
1st step - Post a short blog article that includes a photograph (or a series of photos) showing the face behind your blog. If you already showed a photo somewhere on your site (such as in your about page), then make your post more interesting and choose a photo that’s not currently online.
2nd step - Include links to other people that have displayed a photo, or include their photos in your post, adding a reference.
3rd step - Tag as many others as you like in your post to spread the meme.
4th step - If you link back to me here and send an email I’ll be sure to include links back to you. Each person tagged should create their own post and repeat the process.
I'm tagging Nyree, Lorelei, Sassy , Tabs and Fran!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Rache's Revelations
Posted by Rache 5 comments
Friday, July 27, 2007
I'd like to cap the work-day with a smile on my face, despite of going through such rattling activities at work (it being end of 2nd quarter for this brand that I am assigned with). It was a pretty tough week but grace was just fabulous, that I got by! :)

Have a blessed weekend everyone!
Posted by Rache 2 comments
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Little Rachey
scrapping early this morning after feeding my little girl tiffany who's currently sick with an inflammed throat and her asthma acting up last night. poor honey kept on coughing and was in tears as she reached out for me and asked me to pray. i wasn't able to get enough sleep as she would cough every so often and hubby and i watched out if we had to nebulize her. i am staying at home today to care for my girl and we will take her to the doctor in a while after she wakes up this morning. good thing that series of coughing died a bit and now she can catch up on sleep. i couldn't seem to get some zzz's myself, maybe because my body's telling me i should be awake during the day. i'll probably try to sleep after we pay a visit to the doctor. anways, sharing with you this new lo of me in my tiny years. :) credits here.
Posted by Rache 1 comments
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Boyish Layout
Did this LO last night before going to bed. I haven't actually done a LO for my little big boy, so, I took on the challenge and I'm happy at how it came out :)
Posted by Rache 0 comments
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Cubeville Makeover (Inspired by MrsB)

Lemme know what you think!
Posted by Rache 6 comments
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Beauties :-)
I got into such a mind buzz last night that I couldn't seem to catch some zzz's! I was thinking about this LO project that I've countlessly redone over the past four weeks.. I can't really understand why the creative side of my brain would have to be switched on from 11pm onwards. Ang laki na ng eyebags ko! Lol. So after doing five spreads for that project, I decided to scrap on this sweet-looking photo of me and my little girl, Tiffany. I'm kind of high on pink lately, so this will have a similar feel to my two previews LO's. :-) Have a great week everyone!
Credits - Paper from Paisely & Ivy Paper Pack, Weeds & Wildflowers Design; Flowers from Being Me, Weeds & Wildflowers Design; Ribbon Bookplate by Shabby Princess; Pearls by Melany Violette; Stalk Brushes from deviantart.com; Scalloped Frame by RL; Photo by Oly Ruiz
Posted by Rache 0 comments
Monday, July 16, 2007
Wedding at the Grand Terrace
Spent our Saturday afternoon at the wedding of my hubby's cousin where our boy Tristan participated in the entourage as ring bearer. I think the Grand Terrace is fairly new, with almost the same concept as that of Plaza Ibarra, Fernwood Gardens and Gazebo Royale. Anyways, it was a flicking photo spree for the family, us being such camwhores from the youngest to the oldest! My brother-in-law, Oly brought his two DSLR's for us to toy with, so, I sort of got to practice again before I lay my hands on my own DSLR. Just a thought - no wonder most photographers are men. These equipments, together with the lens and other accessories are darn heavy. And I mean heavy to the point that the muscles in my right arm would feel real strained right after a night's shoot. But it's a good kind of pain I tell ya. Especially if you want to pounce a chance to get awesome looking photos.
Posted by Rache 2 comments
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Little Portraits from Heaven by Metrophoto
Metrophoto is brimming with beautiful portraits from little kids to couples and families. I just love how Oly Ruiz captures every emotion and how he makes a seemingly normal shot become one that would make you go WOW. The photo I used is from Metrophoto's Little Portraits from Heaven, a part of its products & services.

Posted by Rache 0 comments
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
All Grown Up!
Our little girl is the sweetest! Tiffany is growing up to be such a charming, smart lady. Boy are we blessed to have her in the family. Here's a layout I did last night, "All Grown Up!". Photo is by Metrophoto and the kit I used is by Gina Huff of Weeds & Wildflowers Design, "Being Me" Kit. The nice clustered frames are from Fernlili.
Posted by Rache 1 comments
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Progressive Digiscrapper
I've always been amused by art. Growing up, I would doodle stuff until I had kalyo on my fingers (hehe!). When I was in high school, I got into the Art Class, a section for the entire batch that would concentrate more on well, Art. Come college, I was supposed to take Fine Arts in UP, was on waiting list, but somehow, the artsy fartsy part of me didn't exactly push me to pursue it then. So I ended up studying Business Administration, then Advertising later. I started to appreciate layouting when we put up a computer shop in the first few years of my marriage. I'd get to design business cards, flyers, posters, etc for the SMB and SOHO market of our area.
I've done a few layouts of my favorite photos, but never exactly thought that digiscrapping was possible. I'm just so amazed now at how things are put so nicely in a digital canvas. I was so clueless at digiscrapping that, when my I spotted my friend Nyree's friendster testimonial for me, I said, wow, this is a cool layout! Twas fun and creative! Ey, I want to learn!!! After that, the rest is history :)
Cutting this post short, lemme share with you my very first attempt at digiscrapping. Hehe. Not much here, but as my post title goes, my digiscrapping is progressive. I'm learning from the best at Pinay Digiscrappers. What can I say, I'm in good hands! :)
(di ko pa alam mga embellishments noon! lol)
shabbyprincess.com's freebie kits are a digiscrapper's dream come true. hehe! :)
Posted by Rache 0 comments
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Dinos at Eastwood City
Here's a scrap from our weekend afternoon laze at Eastwood City. There were a couple of huge dinosaurs on display, plus some other enormous animals. The displays were mainly made of wood or maybe hard plastic... funny how me and hubby and even the kids kept on wondering how in the world was it assembled and taken to a not so huge area in one of the open sections in near the coffee shops. So anyways, I got this new kit from Weeds & Wildflower Designs, "Being Me" and decided to digiscrap on the kids' photos. You HAVE to get the kit! It's awesome :)
The size is set to 1680x1050; just hit on the scrap to view a larger copy.
Credits: Papers & Embellishments by Gina Marie Huff, Weeds & Wildflowers Design; Cardboard Tags by Fernlili; Stitched together frames.. i'm so sorry, i can't find where i got it!! :-(
Posted by Rache 2 comments
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Oli & Rache
Posting away before bedtime! Here's a layout that I did about me and hubby in one of our summer weekend getaways.
Credits: Curled Edges by Jan Hicks of Scrapgirls.com; Stitches by Christina Renee; Brown Paper & Ribbon from Distressed Bohemian Kit from Oscraps.com; Pin from Miss Mint from Candy Fairway Kit by Peppermint Creative; "In Love" by Jessica Gordon; Papers & Funky Torn Tag from Funky Floral Kit by Leah Riordian Designs; Doodled Heart by Debra Tope; Frame Cluster by Welli Designs; Scribble Brushes by Invisible Snow
Posted by Rache 0 comments
Blue Sparkles
The rain came today and been on for about two hours already. As usual, the cars seemed to have expanded and the roads are pretty much filled up. Anyways, might as well surf away to ease the traffic. Sharing with you this freebie I found from Magdalena's Blog - Blue Sparkles Kit.
Posted by Rache 0 comments
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Shiela & Rache
Did a simple layout today over lunch. This is me and my officemate, Shiela aka Shielalah (hehe) in the photo while enjoying our company's quick vacation in Hong Kong last March 2007.

Posted by Rache 0 comments
Pretty Kits!
Back in the office.. my mind just terribly wondering off... I miss staying at home and doing designs & layouts for business... Anyways, on with the freebies found today. Two adorable kits get an alert! You have to check it out the Party Pants Kit and Poppy Kit from http://www.peppermintcreative.com/ and http://www.digitalscrapbookingfreebies.com/ respectively.
Posted by Rache 0 comments